Bournville After School Club

Sportszone in partnership with Bournville Junior School provide an extensive After School Club programme. There is currently an extensive range of specialised activity clubs, as well as a recreational activities providing child care to working parents.


Day Specialised Club Year Group
Monday Cooking Club 5, 6
Monday Multi Sports 3,4
Tuesday Multi Sports 5, 6
Tuesday Cooking Club 3, 4
Wednesday Creative Design 3, 4, 5, 6
Wednesday Football Club 4, 5
Thursday Drama 3, 4, 5, 6
Friday Creative Design 3


As well as specialised there will be recreational activities in the dining room that will be available to both infants and juniors. These activities will be more low key and will involve board games, jigsaws, snooker, Nintendo Wii, Lego etc.

To enhance the programme new for next term each night during after school club staff will include a fun activity for the children to take part in if they wish including an Art/craft activity, film night, opportunity to use the computers in the school computer suite and outdoor play.

Both specialised and recreational activities will now run until 4.45pm with an additional 45 minute late pick up service of recreational activities until 5.30 for working parents. The club will now run every day during the school academic year. Children will book in advance for as many days as they wish but must sign up for these days for the full half term.

The cost of the activities will be £4.50 per session and £2.50 per session for late pick up service.

The school in partnership with Sportszone ensures the new club will provide high quality after school provision providing specialised activities for children who want to try new skills as well as providing fun recreational activities for working parents in a safe and familiar environment while offering excellent value for money.

Please click below for booking form.

If you require any more information please email Chris Coley